Source code for cloudify.decorators

# Copyright (c) 2013 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    * limitations under the License.

import traceback
import copy
import sys
import Queue
from threading import Thread
from StringIO import StringIO
from functools import wraps

from cloudify import context
from cloudify.workflows.workflow_context import (
from cloudify.manager import update_execution_status, get_rest_client
from cloudify.workflows import api
from cloudify_rest_client.executions import Execution
from cloudify import exceptions
from cloudify.state import current_ctx, current_workflow_ctx

def _stub_task(fn):
    return fn
    from import app as _app
    _task = _app.task
except ImportError as e:
    _app = None
    _task = _stub_task

CLOUDIFY_ID_PROPERTY = '__cloudify_id'
CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY = '__cloudify_context'
CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER = '__cloudify_context'

def _is_cloudify_context(obj):
    Gets whether the provided obj is a CloudifyContext instance.
    From some reason Python's isinstance returned False when it should
    have returned True.
    return context.CloudifyContext.__name__ in obj.__class__.__name__

def _find_context_arg(args, kwargs, is_context):
    Find cloudify context in args or kwargs.
    Cloudify context is either a dict with a unique identifier (passed
        from the workflow engine) or an instance of CloudifyContext.
    for arg in args:
        if is_context(arg):
            return arg
        if isinstance(arg, dict) and CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER in arg:
            return arg
    for arg in kwargs.values():
        if is_context(arg):
            return arg
    return kwargs.get(CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY)

[docs]def operation(func=None, **arguments): """ Decorate plugin operation function with this decorator. Internally, if celery is installed, will also wrap the function with a ``@celery.task`` decorator The ``ctx`` injected to the function arguments is of type ``cloudify.context.CloudifyContext`` The ``ctx`` object can also be accessed by importing ``cloudify.ctx`` Example:: from cloudify import ctx @operations def start(**kwargs): pass """ if func is not None: @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ctx = _find_context_arg(args, kwargs, _is_cloudify_context) if ctx is None: ctx = {} if not _is_cloudify_context(ctx): ctx = context.CloudifyContext(ctx) # remove __cloudify_context raw_context = kwargs.pop(CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY, {}) if ctx.task_target is None: # task is local (not through celery) so we need to # clone kwarg kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) if raw_context.get('has_intrinsic_functions') is True: kwargs = ctx._endpoint.evaluate_functions(payload=kwargs) kwargs['ctx'] = ctx try: current_ctx.set(ctx, kwargs) result = func(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException as e: ctx.logger.error( 'Exception raised on operation [%s] invocation', ctx.task_name, exc_info=True) if ctx.task_target is None: # local task execution # no serialization issues raise # extract exception details # type, value, traceback tpe, value, tb = sys.exc_info() # we re-create the exception here # since it will be sent # over the wire. And the original exception # may cause de-serialization issues # on the other side. # preserve original type in the message message = '{0}: {1}'.format(tpe.__name__, str(e)) # if the exception type is directly one of our exception # than there is no need for conversion and we can just # raise the original exception if type(e) in [exceptions.OperationRetry, exceptions.RecoverableError, exceptions.NonRecoverableError, exceptions.HttpException]: raise # if the exception inherits from our base exceptions, there # still might be a de-serialization problem caused by one of # the types in the inheritance tree. if isinstance(e, exceptions.NonRecoverableError): value = exceptions.NonRecoverableError(message) elif isinstance(e, exceptions.OperationRetry): value = exceptions.OperationRetry(message, e.retry_after) elif isinstance(e, exceptions.RecoverableError): value = exceptions.RecoverableError(message, e.retry_after) else: # convert pure user exceptions # to a RecoverableError value = exceptions.RecoverableError(message) raise type(value), value, tb finally: current_ctx.clear() if ctx.type == context.NODE_INSTANCE: ctx.instance.update() elif ctx.type == context.RELATIONSHIP_INSTANCE: ctx.source.instance.update() if ctx.operation._operation_retry: raise ctx.operation._operation_retry return result return _process_wrapper(wrapper, arguments) else: def partial_wrapper(fn): return operation(fn, **arguments) return partial_wrapper
[docs]def workflow(func=None, system_wide=False, **arguments): """ Decorate workflow functions with this decorator. Internally, if celery is installed, ``@workflow`` will also wrap the function with a ``@celery.task`` decorator The ``ctx`` injected to the function arguments is of type ``cloudify.workflows.workflow_context.CloudifyWorkflowContext`` or ``cloudify.workflows.workflow_context.CloudifySystemWideWorkflowContext`` if ``system_wide`` flag is set to True. The ``ctx`` object can also be accessed by importing ``cloudify.workflows.ctx`` ``system_wide`` flag turns this workflow into a system-wide workflow that is executed by the management worker and has access to an instance of ``cloudify.workflows.workflow_context.CloudifySystemWideWorkflowContext`` as its context. Example:: from cloudify.workflows import ctx @workflow def reinstall(**kwargs): pass """ if system_wide: ctx_class = CloudifySystemWideWorkflowContext else: ctx_class = CloudifyWorkflowContext if func is not None: @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): def is_ctx_class_instance(obj): return isinstance(obj, ctx_class) ctx = _find_context_arg(args, kwargs, is_ctx_class_instance) if not is_ctx_class_instance(ctx): ctx = ctx_class(ctx) kwargs['ctx'] = ctx if ctx.local: workflow_wrapper = _local_workflow else: workflow_wrapper = _remote_workflow return workflow_wrapper(ctx, func, args, kwargs) return _process_wrapper(wrapper, arguments) else: def partial_wrapper(fn): return workflow(fn, system_wide, **arguments) return partial_wrapper
[docs]class RequestSystemExit(SystemExit): pass
def _remote_workflow(ctx, func, args, kwargs): def update_execution_cancelled(): update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.CANCELLED) _send_workflow_cancelled_event(ctx) rest = get_rest_client() parent_queue, child_queue = (Queue.Queue(), Queue.Queue()) try: if rest.executions.get(ctx.execution_id).status in \ (Execution.CANCELLING, Execution.FORCE_CANCELLING): # execution has been requested to be cancelled before it # was even started update_execution_cancelled() return api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.STARTED) _send_workflow_started_event(ctx) # the actual execution of the workflow will run in another # thread - this wrapper is the entry point for that # thread, and takes care of forwarding the result or error # back to the parent thread def child_wrapper(): try: ctx.internal.start_event_monitor() workflow_result = _execute_workflow_function( ctx, func, args, kwargs) child_queue.put({'result': workflow_result}) except api.ExecutionCancelled: child_queue.put({ 'result': api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT}) except BaseException as workflow_ex: tb = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=tb) err = { 'type': type(workflow_ex).__name__, 'message': str(workflow_ex), 'traceback': tb.getvalue() } child_queue.put({'error': err}) finally: ctx.internal.stop_event_monitor() api.queue = parent_queue # starting workflow execution on child thread t = Thread(target=child_wrapper) t.start() # while the child thread is executing the workflow, # the parent thread is polling for 'cancel' requests while # also waiting for messages from the child thread has_sent_cancelling_action = False result = None execution = None while True: # check if child thread sent a message try: data = child_queue.get(timeout=5) if 'result' in data: # child thread has terminated result = data['result'] break else: # error occurred in child thread error = data['error'] raise exceptions.ProcessExecutionError(error['message'], error['type'], error['traceback']) except Queue.Empty: pass # check for 'cancel' requests execution = rest.executions.get(ctx.execution_id) if execution.status == Execution.FORCE_CANCELLING: result = api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT break elif not has_sent_cancelling_action and \ execution.status == Execution.CANCELLING: # send a 'cancel' message to the child thread. It # is up to the workflow implementation to check for # this message and act accordingly (by stopping and # raising an api.ExecutionCancelled error, or by returning # the deprecated api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT as result). # parent thread then goes back to polling for # messages from child process or possibly # 'force-cancelling' requests parent_queue.put({'action': 'cancel'}) has_sent_cancelling_action = True # updating execution status and sending events according to # how the execution ended if result == api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT: update_execution_cancelled() if execution and execution.status == Execution.FORCE_CANCELLING: # TODO: kill worker externally raise RequestSystemExit() else: update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.TERMINATED) _send_workflow_succeeded_event(ctx) return result except RequestSystemExit: raise except BaseException as e: if isinstance(e, exceptions.ProcessExecutionError): error_traceback = e.traceback else: error = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=error) error_traceback = error.getvalue() update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.FAILED, error_traceback) _send_workflow_failed_event(ctx, e, error_traceback) raise def _local_workflow(ctx, func, args, kwargs): try: _send_workflow_started_event(ctx) result = _execute_workflow_function(ctx, func, args, kwargs) _send_workflow_succeeded_event(ctx) return result except Exception, e: error = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=error) _send_workflow_failed_event(ctx, e, error.getvalue()) raise def _execute_workflow_function(ctx, func, args, kwargs): try: ctx.internal.start_local_tasks_processing() current_workflow_ctx.set(ctx, kwargs) result = func(*args, **kwargs) if not ctx.internal.graph_mode: tasks = list(ctx.internal.task_graph.tasks_iter()) for workflow_task in tasks: workflow_task.async_result.get() return result finally: ctx.internal.stop_local_tasks_processing() current_workflow_ctx.clear() def _send_workflow_started_event(ctx): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_started', message="Starting '{0}' workflow execution".format(ctx.workflow_id)) def _send_workflow_succeeded_event(ctx): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_succeeded', message="'{0}' workflow execution succeeded" .format(ctx.workflow_id)) def _send_workflow_failed_event(ctx, exception, error_traceback): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_failed', message="'{0}' workflow execution failed: {1}" .format(ctx.workflow_id, str(exception)), args={'error': error_traceback}) def _send_workflow_cancelled_event(ctx): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_cancelled', message="'{0}' workflow execution cancelled" .format(ctx.workflow_id)) def _process_wrapper(wrapper, arguments): result_wrapper = _task if arguments.get('force_not_celery') is True: result_wrapper = _stub_task return result_wrapper(wrapper) task = operation