Source code for cloudify.decorators

# Copyright (c) 2013 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    * limitations under the License.

import traceback
import copy
from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Pipe
from StringIO import StringIO
from functools import wraps
import sys

from cloudify import context
from cloudify.workflows.workflow_context import CloudifyWorkflowContext
from cloudify.manager import update_execution_status, get_rest_client
from cloudify.workflows import api
from cloudify_rest_client.executions import Execution
from cloudify.exceptions import ProcessExecutionError
from cloudify.exceptions import RecoverableError
from cloudify.exceptions import NonRecoverableError
from cloudify.state import current_ctx, current_workflow_ctx

_stub_task = lambda fn: fn
    from cloudify.celery import celery as _celery
    _task = _celery.task
except ImportError:
    _celery = None
    _task = _stub_task

CLOUDIFY_ID_PROPERTY = '__cloudify_id'
CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY = '__cloudify_context'
CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER = '__cloudify_context'

def _is_cloudify_context(obj):
    Gets whether the provided obj is a CloudifyContext instance.
    From some reason Python's isinstance returned False when it should
    have returned True.
    return context.CloudifyContext.__name__ in obj.__class__.__name__

def _is_cloudify_workflow_context(obj):
    Gets whether the provided obj is a CloudifyWorkflowContext instance.
    From some reason Python's isinstance returned False when it should
    have returned True.
    return CloudifyWorkflowContext.__name__ in obj.__class__.__name__

def _find_context_arg(args, kwargs, is_context):
    Find cloudify context in args or kwargs.
    Cloudify context is either a dict with a unique identifier (passed
        from the workflow engine) or an instance of CloudifyContext.
    for arg in args:
        if is_context(arg):
            return arg
        if isinstance(arg, dict) and CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_IDENTIFIER in arg:
            return arg
    for arg in kwargs.values():
        if is_context(arg):
            return arg
    return kwargs.get(CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY)

[docs]def operation(func=None, **arguments): """ Decorate plugin operation function with this decorator. Internally, if celery is installed, will also wrap the function with a ``@celery.task`` decorator The ``ctx`` injected to the function arguments is of type ``cloudify.context.CloudifyContext`` The ``ctx`` object can also be accessed by importing ``cloudify.ctx`` Example:: from cloudify import ctx @operations def start(**kwargs): pass """ if func is not None: @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ctx = _find_context_arg(args, kwargs, _is_cloudify_context) if ctx is None: ctx = {} if not _is_cloudify_context(ctx): ctx = context.CloudifyContext(ctx) # remove __cloudify_context raw_context = kwargs.pop(CLOUDIFY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_KEY, {}) if ctx.task_target is None: # task is local (not through celery) so we need to # clone kwarg kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) if raw_context.get('has_intrinsic_functions') is True: kwargs = ctx._endpoint.evaluate_functions(payload=kwargs) kwargs['ctx'] = ctx try: current_ctx.set(ctx, kwargs) result = func(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException as e: ctx.logger.error( 'Exception raised on operation [%s] invocation', ctx.task_name, exc_info=True) if ctx.task_target is None: # local task execution # no serialization issues raise # extract exception details # type, value, traceback tpe, value, tb = sys.exc_info() # we re-create the exception here # since it will be sent # over the wire. And the original exception # may cause de-serialization issues # on the other side. # preserve original type in the message message = '{0}: {1}'.format(tpe.__name__, str(e)) if isinstance(e, NonRecoverableError): value = NonRecoverableError(message) elif isinstance(e, RecoverableError): value = RecoverableError(message, e.retry_after) else: # convert pure user exceptions # to a RecoverableError value = RecoverableError(message) raise type(value), value, tb finally: current_ctx.clear() if ctx.type == context.NODE_INSTANCE: ctx.instance.update() elif ctx.type == context.RELATIONSHIP_INSTANCE: ctx.source.instance.update() return result return _process_wrapper(wrapper, arguments) else: def partial_wrapper(fn): return operation(fn, **arguments) return partial_wrapper
[docs]def workflow(func=None, **arguments): """ Decorate workflow functions with this decorator. Internally, if celery is installed, will also wrap the function with a ``@celery.task`` decorator The ``ctx`` injected to the function arguments is of type ``cloudify.workflows.workflow_context.CloudifyWorkflowContext`` The ``ctx`` object can also be accessed by importing ``cloudify.workflows.ctx`` Example:: from cloudify.workflows import ctx @workflow def reinstall(**kwargs): pass """ if func is not None: @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ctx = _find_context_arg(args, kwargs, _is_cloudify_workflow_context) if not isinstance(ctx, CloudifyWorkflowContext): ctx = CloudifyWorkflowContext(ctx) kwargs['ctx'] = ctx if ctx.local: workflow_wrapper = _local_workflow else: workflow_wrapper = _remote_workflow return workflow_wrapper(ctx, func, args, kwargs) return _process_wrapper(wrapper, arguments) else: def partial_wrapper(fn): return workflow(fn, **arguments) return partial_wrapper
def _remote_workflow(ctx, func, args, kwargs): def update_execution_cancelled(): update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.CANCELLED) _send_workflow_cancelled_event(ctx) rest = get_rest_client() parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() try: if rest.executions.get(ctx.execution_id).status in \ (Execution.CANCELLING, Execution.FORCE_CANCELLING): # execution has been requested to be cancelled before it # was even started update_execution_cancelled() return api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.STARTED) _send_workflow_started_event(ctx) # the actual execution of the workflow will run in another # process - this wrapper is the entry point for that # process, and takes care of forwarding the result or error # back to the parent process def child_wrapper(): try: ctx.internal.start_event_monitor() workflow_result = _execute_workflow_function( ctx, func, args, kwargs) child_conn.send({'result': workflow_result}) except api.ExecutionCancelled: child_conn.send({ 'result': api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT}) except BaseException as workflow_ex: tb = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=tb) err = { 'type': type(workflow_ex).__name__, 'message': str(workflow_ex), 'traceback': tb.getvalue() } child_conn.send({'error': err}) finally: child_conn.close() api.ctx = ctx api.pipe = child_conn # starting workflow execution on child process p = Process(target=child_wrapper) p.start() # while the child process is executing the workflow, # the parent process is polling for 'cancel' requests while # also waiting for messages from the child process has_sent_cancelling_action = False result = None while True: # check if child process sent a message if parent_conn.poll(5): data = parent_conn.recv() if 'result' in data: # child process has terminated result = data['result'] break else: # error occurred in child process error = data['error'] raise ProcessExecutionError(error['message'], error['type'], error['traceback']) # check for 'cancel' requests execution = rest.executions.get(ctx.execution_id) if execution.status == Execution.FORCE_CANCELLING: # terminate the child process immediately p.terminate() result = api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT break elif not has_sent_cancelling_action and \ execution.status == Execution.CANCELLING: # send a 'cancel' message to the child process. It # is up to the workflow implementation to check for # this message and act accordingly (by stopping and # returning a api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT result). # parent process then goes back to polling for # messages from child process or possibly # 'force-cancelling' requests parent_conn.send({'action': 'cancel'}) has_sent_cancelling_action = True # updating execution status and sending events according to # how the execution ended if result == api.EXECUTION_CANCELLED_RESULT: update_execution_cancelled() else: update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.TERMINATED) _send_workflow_succeeded_event(ctx) return result except BaseException as e: if isinstance(e, ProcessExecutionError): error_traceback = e.traceback else: error = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=error) error_traceback = error.getvalue() update_execution_status(ctx.execution_id, Execution.FAILED, error_traceback) _send_workflow_failed_event(ctx, e, error_traceback) raise finally: parent_conn.close() child_conn.close() # probably unneeded but cleanup anyway def _local_workflow(ctx, func, args, kwargs): try: _send_workflow_started_event(ctx) result = _execute_workflow_function(ctx, func, args, kwargs) _send_workflow_succeeded_event(ctx) return result except Exception, e: error = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=error) _send_workflow_failed_event(ctx, e, error.getvalue()) raise def _execute_workflow_function(ctx, func, args, kwargs): try: ctx.internal.start_local_tasks_processing() current_workflow_ctx.set(ctx, kwargs) result = func(*args, **kwargs) if not ctx.internal.graph_mode: tasks = list(ctx.internal.task_graph.tasks_iter()) for workflow_task in tasks: workflow_task.async_result.get() return result finally: ctx.internal.stop_local_tasks_processing() current_workflow_ctx.clear() def _send_workflow_started_event(ctx): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_started', message="Starting '{0}' workflow execution".format(ctx.workflow_id)) def _send_workflow_succeeded_event(ctx): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_succeeded', message="'{0}' workflow execution succeeded" .format(ctx.workflow_id)) def _send_workflow_failed_event(ctx, exception, error_traceback): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_failed', message="'{0}' workflow execution failed: {1}" .format(ctx.workflow_id, str(exception)), args={'error': error_traceback}) def _send_workflow_cancelled_event(ctx): ctx.internal.send_workflow_event( event_type='workflow_cancelled', message="'{0}' workflow execution cancelled" .format(ctx.workflow_id)) def _process_wrapper(wrapper, arguments): result_wrapper = _task if arguments.get('force_not_celery') is True: result_wrapper = _stub_task return result_wrapper(wrapper) task = operation