
cloudify.decorators.operation(func=None, **arguments)[source]

Decorate plugin operation function with this decorator. Internally, if celery is installed, will also wrap the function with a @celery.task decorator

The ctx injected to the function arguments is of type cloudify.context.CloudifyContext

The ctx object can also be accessed by importing cloudify.ctx


from cloudify import ctx

def start(**kwargs):
cloudify.decorators.workflow(func=None, **arguments)[source]

Decorate workflow functions with this decorator. Internally, if celery is installed, will also wrap the function with a @celery.task decorator

The ctx injected to the function arguments is of type cloudify.workflows.workflow_context.CloudifyWorkflowContext

The ctx object can also be accessed by importing cloudify.workflows.ctx


from cloudify.workflows import ctx

def reinstall(**kwargs):